Our services
Service providers.
Service providers.
We offer cargo owners a full service package to cover all aspects of the shipment, from start to end, in the most economic, safe and sustainable way.
For further information of each specific service area, please click on respective field and / or contact the responsible person.
We charter the most suitable and cost efficient tonnage according to the Client´s instructions.
For further information please contact
Mr Erik Hanberger.
The Chartering department constantly overviews the market, news, trends and informs the Client. For each and every shipment depending on trade, geographical area, product, size of cargo and other factors, suitable vessels are identfied. The department assists the Client in every aspect of the negotiations until the shipment has been confirmed and in other chartering related matters there after.
We operate and supervise Client´s shipment from loading to discharge 24/7/365.
For further information please contact
Capt Martin Ström.
The Operations department overviews and follows vessel´s movements at all times, informs concerned parties accordingly and is proactive to avoid any time loss. The department collects, controls and assists the Client with various documents like invokements /LOI and freight invoice. The department provides added value services to the Client.
We review, inform, recommend and negotiate potential demurrage claim the Client might receive.
For further information please contact
Mr Thomas Rolinder
The Demurrage department reviews demurrage claims received by the Client against relevant terms and conditions. The department informs, advises and recommends the Client of possible options how to proceed, and takes an active part in the negotiation of the claim until it has been agreed and settled. The department also reviews demurrage claims received by third parties.
Commercial Management
We provide a full service package to Clients who prefer not to operate their own tonnage.
For further information please contact
Mr Carl Leijonhielm
The Commercial management department asissts Owners or Time Charter Owners who prefer not to be directly involved in operating their own vessels. The department provides a full service package including chartering, operation, demurrage, bunker purchases, agency nominations and other added value services to the Client.
Vessel Quality
We screen vessels to maintain highest quality level with focus on safety, sustainibility and the environment.
For further information please contact
Mr Andreas Mårs
To secure high standard quality vessels for every shipment we offer the Client to use screening services. The screening process includes collection of data from several sources and analysis by professional staff. The analysis is made on the basis of safety, sustainabillity, and environmental effects. The service is performed in close cooperation with Quality Assessment AB, specialized in this area.
We provide Clients with in-depth knowledge of maritime law, and handle claims against third parties.
For further information please contact
Maritime Lawyer Daniel Brand
The Claims department assists the Client for more specific situations which requires a more in-depth knowledge of maritime law. The department reviews the situation and informs, advises and recommends the Client of various options how to proceed. The department also collects, summerizes data, presents and process various claims against third parties on behalf of the Client. The service is performed in close cooperation with Brand New Claims Services AB, specialized in this area.
Our Services
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